Instituitions & Business

Business Owners

Entrepreneurs & Business Owners

We work with entrepreneurs and business owners on a personal level as they have unique financial planning needs, which we know from first-hand experience. We help transition business wealth to personal wealth in the most tax efficient manner and assist with succession and exit planning. We also work with the business owners to provide corporate solutions as well.


Corporate Strategies, Buy/Sell, Key Man, Executive Compensation Plans, Manage 401k Plans, Employee Benefits

Our corporate and institutional clients are often owned by our business owner personal planning clients. We often provide solutions within their businesses to empower their workforce: 401(k) Plans, Group Health & Voluntary Employee Benefit Plans, Executive Compensation Plans, Buy/Sell & Key Man Planning, Employee Financial Fitness Programs, and other corporate strategies.


Our mission is to support and expand their mission. We manage endowment investment portfolios, provide charitable and planned giving strategies, and can provide employee benefits that we would provide to corporate clients.


Macro Financial Planning

Investment Management

& Asset Allocation

401(k) & Retirement

Plan Management

Endowment Investment Management

Stock Option & Restricted

Stock Unit Review

Tax Strategies

Employee Benefits

Executive Compensation Plans

Group Insurance Planning – Life, Disability, Long Term Care, Health

Buy/Sell & Key Man

Planning & Insurance

Debt Structuring

Risk Management

Cash Flow Management

Charitable Giving

Business Succession & Transition Planning

Money is a finite resource that cannot be wasted. We need to put your money in motion; to do as many jobs as possible.
— Jane Sullivan

Let’s plan your future!